Catch the Star

The Future of Fusion Energy & Technology

Catch the Star

The Future of Fusion Energy & Technology

Edited by Anton Möslang, Günter Janeschitz

  • Submission of articles by April 31st / 2021
  • each piece might run to 30.000 characters, blanks included;
    plus graphs/tables (= 10-15 pages in the book)
  • Editorial work and printing till October 2021
  • Publishing timeframe 4th quarter 2021 by Lemmens Media

The Goal

This book will describe the status of Fusion Energy Research & Development, with a focus on (market) opportunities. We think of this field as “Transitioning to a better global energy supply system.”


Contribute an article

If you would like to contribute an article, please contact us or use our contact form.

Five main points

The idea behind the publication

We aim to collect relevant stakeholder opinions on Fusion Energy/Technology.

We want to structure, nurture, and perpetuate the international debate on Fusion Energy/Technology.

Our plan is to publish a book written in a sound, scientific style, which is at the same time understandable for a broader audience of stakeholders, especially those who are important to the decision-making processes (politicians, media, scientists, civil society representatives, citizen scientists and many more …).

We think that the time is right for public-relations activities around Fusion Energy/Technology, in the run-up to ITER First Plasma in 2025. This endeavor will promote the whole debate of finding a pathway to a more diversified energy mix for the future.

Our mission

Drawing on various energy sources, policy issues, relationships between industry & science, essential research, and market opportunities, this publication will be successful because its content will address the topic in all its complexity. Readers will all get a better understanding of the perspectives that come along with Fusion Energy/Technology.

Book Chapters

Chapter one: The Big Picture
Transitioning the Future of Energy – description of the need for a mix of energy sources.

Chapter two: The Governance of Big Science within different political Landscapes
It is always a challenge to build, establish and maintain large-scale scientific projects. What are the lessons learned for political decisions – a comparison of various cases and world projects.

Chapter three: The Scientific Know-How behind Fusion Energy/Technology
From materials science to additive manufacturing technologies to irradiation and safety.

Chapter four: Science to Business
This is all about the question – how big can the economic impact be?

Chapter five: The Outlook for Humankind
Never end a story without a view to where it leads.

Annex: The Marketplace
The competences of companies involved in Fusion Energy / Technology are assembled.

  • Expected to be published fall 2021
  • Publishing house:
    Lemmens Media GmbH, Bonn – Berlin in cooperation with KBHF GmbH, Campus North at KIT
  • 250 pages, hard cover


Editorial contact

Markus Lemmens
Aniceto Goraieb
Chris Dorn

Lemmens Media GmbH
Matthias-Grünewald Str. 1-3
53175 Bonn, Germany
Hannoversche Straße 15
10115 Berlin

Phone office:
+49 (228) 42 137-20

Cell Markus Lemmens:
+49 (172) 26 398 26

Contribute an article

I would like to contribute an article to one of the following chapters:

Call / online meeting

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